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Copernicus for Raw Materials 2021

13, 15, 20 and 22 April 2021



The RawMatCop Academy, Copernicus for Raw Material, pretends to show how companies, organizations and research institutions of the raw materials sector can use the potential of the Copernicus program using a practical point of view. In this course participants will use directly the Sentinel satellites of Copernicus and their open source programs and will learn how to:


Entrepreneurs and professionals of the exploration, exploitation and processing industries looking for innovative techniques to monitor and administrate raw materials in their organizations.

We also welcome earth sciences scientists, experts in development and environment, researchers, students and doctorates in the raw materials sector, as well as remote sensing professionals interested in learning the applications of satellites in the field of raw materials.




Register now and learn how to apply satellite remote sensing to the raw materials sector¡


Payment should be made by bank transfer to the Caja de Ingenieros account of the Colegio Oficial de Geólogos:

ES44 3025 0024 8814 0000 7569

Please state in the concept of the transference: “COPERNICUS name and surname if the participant”.


If you are interested in registering for the training course please click in the button which will open the registration form

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