We are pleased to inform you that IAGETH will be present in the First International Conference of the Arabian Geosciences Union, ArabGU (AIC-1). The incorporation of Geoethics was promoted by the IAGETH, thanks to the excellent work and initiatives of Prof. Zakaria Hamimi.
It is important to stress the collaboration between the ArabGU and the University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene. This relevant Conference will be held at the University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria, February 17-18, 2016, and it is the final result of a great work and efforts of many geoscientific colleagues. We want to emphasize that one of the two Honorary Presidents of AIC-1 is Prof. Zakaria Hamimi, Benha University (Egypt). Prof. Hamimi is President of ArabGU and the IAGETH National Chapter in Egypt. He shares the Presidency of AIC-1 with Prof. A. Quabadi.
In the framework of the conference programme, Geoethics is specifically included in Theme 7:
Theme 7: Geoheritage, Geoethics, History of Geology
IAGETH supported the founding of ArabGU and it is one of our partner organizations. Prof. Martinez-Frías (President of IAGETH forms part of the Scientific Committee of AIC-1).
We (IAGETH) consider that the development of all subjects related to the connection between ethics and geosciences in this extremely relevant Conference is, without any doubt, a great news! Congratulations to the organizing committee for this extraordinary event and, in particular, to our IAGETH National Chapter and AIC-1 Honorary President, Prof. Zakaria Hamimi.
1st ArabGU International Conference (AIC-1)
Honorary Presidents: Prof. A. Ouabadi & Prof. Z. Hamimi
Chairman: Prof. A. Bendaoud
Vice-Chairman: Prof. S. Djemai
Further information (First Circular) can be found here.
Official website of ArabGU
Official information about AIC-1:
“This initiative aims to promote Geosciences in both North Africa and the Middle East. Hopes are to provide a high level exchange platform where participants will be presenting their current works and future research plans in a large range of Earth Science fields. A comprehensive program is planned with multiple keynote speakers, parallel technical sessions, poster sessions, and exhibitors. As an added promote to participants, the AIC-1 venue organized a post- conference excursion that allows access to the unique continental Hoggar Shield, the Saharan Atlas and breath taking landscapes. The ArabGU Founding Team and the AIC-1 Organizing Committee would like to invite you to participate and submit your communications. Abstracts in all aspects of Earth sciences in Africa, Arab World and neighboring areas are welcome. Hopefully gathering most of the Arab country geoscience representatives will allow stimulating discussions, an incentive to take the Arab and International Geosciences to the next level. This conference will also witness the creation of the first two sections of the ArGU: the Planetary Sciences section & the History of Geology section.»
[…] Geoethics will be present in the Conference as a significant part of the program, more specifically in the Theme 07: Geoheritage, Geoethics, History of Geology. This was already announced in a previous news. […]