González et al. (2014) «Geoethical elements in risk communication» Episodes 37-4: 317-320.
A congress contribution about this subject was presented in the 2nd G-EVER International Symposium and the 1st IUGS&SCJ International Workshop (Oct. 19 and 20, 2013 in Sendai, Tohoku, Japan) as part of the activities of the International Association for Geoethics (IAGETH).
Further information can be found here (IAGETH)
and here (IUGS).
Authors: José Luis González (Member of the IAGETH Senior Advisory Board, Jesús Martínez-Frías, IAGETH President, Niichi Nishiwaki, IAGETH Vice President, Asia). Our special thanks to Prof. Niichi Nishiwaki.
The G-EVER Consortium promotes natural disaster risk reduction activities through the collaboration different research institutes worldwide, principally:
1. establishing a framework for cooperation of research institutes and organizations working on volcanic disaster prevention in the Asia-Pacific region;
2. enhancing the exchange and sharing of information on seismic and volcanic disaster prevention; and
3. formulating international standards for the database, data exchange and disaster risk assessment.