Geoethics and IAGETH in a new online Course on «Natural Catastrophes and Mass Extinctions»
A new online astrobiology course in Spanish, “Catástrofes Naturales y Eventos de Extinción” (Natural Catastrophes and Extinction Events), will be taking place this year from May 15 to June 30. The course consists of three Modules with ten thematic units. Ten instructors will cover a wide range topics relevant to catastrophes and extinction events on Earth.
One of these units is specifically related to Geoethics and Risk Communication. It will be coordinated by José Luis González, President of the Geoethics Commission of the Spanish “Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Geólogos” (ICOG) and Senior Advisory Board Member of the International Association for Geoethics (IAGETH). José Luis González was first author of the recent article entitled “Geoethical elements in risk communication” published in the journal Episodes.
González Garcia, J.L., Martínez-Frías, J. and Nishiwaki, N. (2014) Geoethical elements in risk communication. Episodes 37-4: 317-320
This article is an outcome from the congress contribution about this subject, which was presented in the 2nd G-EVER International Symposium and the 1st IUGS&SCJ International Workshop (Oct. 19 and 20, 2013 in Sendai, Tohoku, Japan) as part of the activities of IAGETH, thanks to Prof. Niichi Nishiwaki.
The new course follows last year’s successful online course, “Planetology and Astrobiology,” which was attended by over 100 students and in which geoethics was also incorporated in its unit about Planetary Protection. The Course has been already announced by different Spanish and international scientific and educational organizations, among others in the website of the NASA Astrobiology Program.
This new geoeducational opportunity is organized and promoted by the Professional School of the ICOG, in collaboration with the Spanish Planetology and Astrobiology Network (REDESPA) and The Foundation “Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinopolis”.
The course is promoted and coordinated by Jesús Martínez-Frías, Research Scientist at Instituto de Geociencias, IGEO (CSIC-UCM) and President of IAGETH
A promotional video for the course can be viewed here.
For more information, click: here.
*IAGETH is the only international organization, linking ethics and geosciences, which is affiliated to two ICSU GeoUnions (IUGS and IUGG).