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IGEO and IAGETH have signed a Memorandum of Understanding

agreement_IGEO_IAGETHA Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the International Geoscience Education Organization (IGEO) and the International Association for Geoethics (IAGETH) was signed on the 10th June 2015 by the Chair and President of the two organizations, Prof. Prof. Rajasekhariah SHANKAR (IGEO) and Prof. Jesús Martínez-Frías (IAGETH).

Justification for this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Geoscience education and geoethics are two important aspects in the framework of the academic background, training and activities of geoscientists. This relationship matches well with the issues that are defined as the major aims and objectives of IGEO and IAGETH respectively. Since the establishment of IAGETH, it has been collaborating on geoeducation with the IUGS Commission on Geoscience Education, Training and Technology Transfer (IUGS-COGE). The cooperation between IAGETH and IGEO will allow the creation of new synergies on geoscience education and enhance their respective activities.

Objective of the Memorandum of Understanding

The objective of the MoU is to bring the two IUGS-affiliated organizations (IAGETH and IGEO) together to focus attention on the conjunction of educational and ethical aspects in the context of geosciences, through joint actions, including institutional cooperation on different subjects and the production of teaching material at different levels.

Areas of cooperation/Terms

This Memorandum of Understanding is signed for an initial period of four years and will be automatically renewed, for the same period, except indicated otherwise by either Party.

IGEO website

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