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IAGETH Statement on Boko Haram’s kidnapping of geologists and other staff members of Maiduguri University, Nigeria

IAGETH took note of the recent attack by Boko Haram militia on a hydrocarbon exploration group composed of geologists and other staff members of Maiduguri University from the State of Borno, NE of Nigeria, with 10 members being kidnapped.

This group was prospecting for hydrocarbons near Lake Chad, near the town of Jibi.

IAGETH is always against any type of violence and has always condemned the actions of the Boko Haram group and similar groups for the massacres and mutilations of innocent and peaceful people, and is especially outraged to see its colleagues being attacked during the normal activities of their profession.

IAGETH, through its Vice-President for Africa, addresses to all victims and their families its best wishes of solidarity at this difficult time. We hope that this event will not discourage our Nigerian colleagues from continuing to work for the development of their country.

IAGETH calls all geoscientific organizations, societies and institutions to join this Statement.

Maputo, on 29 July 2017

The IAGETH Vice President for Africa,

Prof. Dr. Lopo Vasconcelos

IAGETH Statement (official pdf version)

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