gbengaIAGETH is happy to announce that our IAGETH National Chapter (Nigeria), Prof. Olugbenga Akindeji Okunlola, has been elected new President of the Geological Society of Africa (GSAf), substituting Prof. Aberra Mogessie (IAGETH Senior Advisory Board (ISAB) Member).

Please, join us to congratulate Prof. Okunlola for his recent election and to thank Prof. Mogessie for his excellent work as GSAf President, fostering and promoting relevant collaborations and actions!

Prof   Olugbenga Akindeji Okunlola Ph.D,  FGS, FNMGS, FASI, FSEG

Prof.  Olugbenga Okunlola   graduated with a BSc. Hons.Geology in August, 1982 of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria  and joined the then  Geological Survey of Nigeria  as a Mining Geologist  in  August 1983.He rose through the ranks becoming a Chief Mining Geologist in 2001. In between, and while at the Surveys, he obtained his M.Sc degree in Mineral exploration 1990 and a PhD in Economic geology from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria  in 2001 during which he undertook study visits to universities in Europe mainly.While at the  Geological Surveys he was involved in  numerous mapping and exploration projects.

 He joined the Department of Geology University of Ibadan, Nigeria, in  April 2002 on transfer of and has been teaching there since then.  In the course of his academic sojourn, he has attended and delivered Conference papers in virtually all the continents of the world and has about 63 publications to his credit in peer reviewed International and local journals and refereed conference proceedings. He was promoted a  fullProfessor of Geology on October 1, 2011

In 2006, he was invited back by the government of Nigeria to serve as a Special Adviser (Mineral Assessment) for the Geological Surveys( NGSA). He carried this out on statutory and honorary basis till June, 2013. While there, he contributed greatly to the execution of policies aimed at revamping the NGSA and the Nigerian minerals Sector. He has handlednumerous  consultancy  assignments involving the world bank, UNESCO, and numerous local and foreign  mineral exploration outfits. Thus his experience straddles the public, private and academia .

He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London, Fellow of the African Scientific Institute , Fellow of the Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS), Fellow of The Nigerian Society of Mining Engineers,, and membership  of the Society of Economic Geologists ( SEG). International association of Geoethics (IAGETH)  International Geoscience Educators Organisation (IGEO) amongst others. He is currently the President of The Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society, President of the Geoscience  Information and Research in Africa (GIRAF) and Vice President  for Africa, Association of Geoscientists  for International Development (AGID)


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