The Arabian Geoscience Union (ArabGU) has recognized the significant role in Geoscience of the International Association for Geoethics (IAGETH) in an official event, which took place during the opening of the I International Conference of the ArabGU, AIC-1 (University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria, 17-18 February 2016). The award was given by the ArabGU in coordination with the AIC-1 Committee. On an individual basis, ArabGU awarded also the IAGETH President, Prof. Jesús Martínez-Frías, who participated in the conference as invited speaker with the talk entitled: Geoeducation and Geoethics in Earth and Planetary Sciences.
During the opening ceremony it was also highlighted that: 1) Geoethics was specifically included in Theme 7 of the AIC-1: Geoheritage, Geoethics, History of Geology, and 2) the recent Memorandum of Understanding between both institutions (ArabGU and IAGETH), which in a great part is an output of the previous MoU signed by our internationbal association with the Geological Society of Africa to promote geoethics in Africa.
Besides the IAGETH President, IAGETH was also represented in the Conference by Prof. Zakaria Hamimi, IAGETH, NC Egypt (AIC-1 Honorary President), Prof. Safouane Djemai (IAGETH NC, Algeria and AIC-1 Vice-Chairman) and Dr. Amel Barich (NC Morocco).
«The Arabian Geosciences Union, abbreviated ArabGU, is a nonprofit international union aims to promote Earth Sciences in the Arab World. ArabGU is: i) academic, ii) non-political, iii) non-sectarian, iiii) carried on for no purposes of gain. ArabGU will operate and be governed in accordance with the provisions of its bylaws. The income and assets of the union will be applied to the realization of the objectives for which it was established. The ArabGU will be entitled to sue and be sued in its own name. ARTICLE 2 Objectives The objectives of the ArabGU shall be: 1. Endorsing the spread of academic and technical knowledge in the field of geosciences in the Arab World; 2. Promoting public understanding of the role of geosciences in the Arab World’s development; 3. Establishing and maintaining relations between Arab geoscientists and the international scientific community; 4. Organizing conferences, seminars, symposia, training courses and workshops in all topics of geosciences; 5. Publishing and distributing a rigorously peer-reviewed online journal, Arabian Geo-Frontiers (AGF), in the field of geosciences; 6. Encourage and support for education, training and research in order to assist Arab people in their acquisition of specialized skills for innovation in geosciences; 7. Identify, promote and advise on the importance and preservation of geological sites in the Arab World in collaboration with other stakeholders; 8. Undertake these and all other activities as may be consistent with the objective of the union.» [from ArabGU official website)
AIC-1 aims to promote Geosciences in both North Africa and the Middle East. It provides a high level exchange platform where participants presented their current works and future research plans in a large range of Earth Science fields. A comprehensive program was developed with multiple keynote speakers, parallel technical sessions, poster sessions, and exhibitors.
Honorary presidents of AIC-1:
Prof. Zakaria Hamimi, President of ArabGU and the IAGETH National Chapter in Egypt.
Prof. Aziouz Quabadi, Dean of the Faculty of Earth Science, University of Science and Technology, Houari Boumediene, Algeria
Chairman: Prof. A. Bendaoud, and Vice-Chairman: Prof. S. Djemai, University of Science and Technology, Houari Boumediene, Algeria