On behalf of all members of the International Association for Geoethics (IAGETH), we want to express our complete solidarity and our moral and institutional support, after the tragic and disastrous earthquake in Nepal.

On this very sad occasion, we would like also to express our deepest condolences for all the people who lost their lives as well as our sincere sympathies for all those who have been affected. In the disaster areas, many people lost their families and friends, homes and jobs all in an instant.

We are with you and we hope that you will succeed to overcome this horrible catastrophe.

It is time to build new relationships between Nepal and the global community that find effective solutions to the social injustices that have created this extreme vulnerability.

In Solidarity,

International Association for Geoethics (IAGETH) –  affiliated to the IUGS and IUGG.



  1. People live in risk prone areas. Most have very limited options to leave these areas. It is paramount to mitigate impact of risks. This needs knowhow, good governance and money.


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