Una de los principales valores de la Red Española de Planetología y Astrobiología, es que cuenta con un selecto grupo de reconocidos científicos e ingenieros de reconocido prestigio internacional. Desde el primer momento, hemos intentado que en nuestra Red se reflejara, tanto nacional como internacionalmente, el carácter interdisciplinar necesario para el desarrollo de las actividades relacionadas con la Planetología y Astrobiología en su sentido más amplio.
REDESPA se congratula de la incorporación del Prof. Dr. Bernard H. Foing, Chair del ESA/ESTEC Staff Committee
Incluímos a continuación un breve texto sobre su perfil y actividades:
Prof. Dr. Bernard H. Foing, Chair ESA/ESTEC Staff Committee, Senior Exploration Officer HSO-I, Chief Scientist SRE-S, Prof. VU Amsterdam
He has worked at ESA as visiting scientist, staff scientist, Research Unit Leader, Head of Research Division, Senior Research Coordinator, and Chief scientist in ESA Space Science Department.
He is the Project scientist, father of SMART-1 first european mission to the Moon, from conception in 1996 to lunar final impact in 2006. He has led studies of lunar orbiters and landers, and technology developments. With ILEWG, he has been promoting international collaborative projects, the preparation for a global robotic village, and a human International Lunar Base.
Co-investigator of space missions instruments such as TRC, SOHO, XMM, Mars-Express, COROT, BIOPAN, Chandrayaan-1, Expose/International Space Station, ExoMars.
He worked 3 years with the European southern Observatory ESO La Silla and French embassy in Chile and joined the French National Centre for Research CNRS.
After studies at Lycée Louis-Le-Grand, Ecole Normale Supérieure Education & Technology (ENSET Cachan), a national competition as Agrégé Professor of Physics, he obtained a PhD in Astrophysics and Space Techniques using a sounding rocket experiment (France CNRS and US New Mexico, Boulder CU, Harvard Observatory). (From https://www.linkedin.com/pub/bernard-foing/10/359/b88)
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