graziellaGraziella Caprarelli, nuevo miembro del comité científico internacional de REDESPA

REDESPA se complace en anunciar que la Dra. Graziella  Caprarelli, Profesora Asociada en Ciencias del Espacio en la University of South Australia, Profesora de Investigación (Adjunta) de la International Research School of Planetary Sciences (Italia) y Miembro Asociado del Australian Centre for Astrobiology se ha incorporado al Comité Científico Internacional de la Red Española de Planetología y Astrobiología (REDESPA).

Dr. Caprarelli obtained her PhD in Earth Sciences at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome (Italy) in 1991. She held post-doctoral fellowships at the Geological Survey of Japan, at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, and at NASA-JSC. In 1996 she was employed as tenured academic at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), where she remained until 2013, with substantive responsibilities in teaching, research and administration. Currently Dr Caprarelli is Associate Professor in Space Science at the University of South Australia, where she is one of the instructors in the Southern Hemisphere Summer Program of the International Space University, and the leader of the planetary and Mars research team. She also holds an honorary appointment as Research Professor with the International Research School of Planetary Sciences in Italy. She is principal author or coauthor ofover 50 publications in petrology, planetary science, geostatistics and mathematical geology.  Dr Caprarelli has contributed to the Earth and planetary science community in a variety of roles: presently she is Associate Editor of the Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, member of the National Committee for Space and Radio Science of the Australian Academy of Science, and member of the Macelwane Medal Committee of the American Geophysical Union. In 2015 Dr Caprarelli founded the Mars Australian Remote Virtual Experiment Laboratory (MARVEL), a collaborative enterprise that brings together researchers and industry partners with the aim of developing a virtual platform for planetary research and STEM education research.


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