amadee_2016Estimados colegas,

Nos complace anunciar y distribuir esta interesante información enviada por el Dr. Gernot Grömer, Presidente del Austrian Space Forum y Miembro del Comité Científico Internacional de REDESPA.

Dear collegues,

Just as a reminder if you intend to attend and/or present – the AMADEE-15 Science Workshop and Networking Meeting from 18-19 February 2016 at the Medical University of Graz is approaching & registration is open at

This meeting will bring together the experiment investigators to present their findings and discuss data synergies between the groups. Beyond that, this workshop is designed as a networking meeting for analog researchers beyond the scientific community of AMADEE-15 and previous missions. Following-up on the highly successful Professionals Observers Programme, we identified a desire to strengthen our networks also for joint proposals and analog-related policy activities. For young professionals and students, we are offering a «speed-dating»-event to foster the interaction with senior researchers and learn about their work.

We are very much looking forward to meet you in Graz at this event – registration is open now! On a limited bases, we are also offering the opportunity for telelectures e.g. from the US.

Best regards

Gernot Groemer/Austrian Space Forum,
Christina Moissl-Eichinger/Medi.Univ.Graz and
Anna Losiak/Polish Academy of Sciences

PS: In the meantime, the AMADEE-15 general mission report is available at: